The Michigan Shoreland Stewards Ambassador Training Program is designed to provide volunteers information and resources to promote the Shoreland Steward Program in their lake communities, be a resource for residents and a liaison between residents and lake groups.
The training is free and self-directed. You can be an Ambassador even if you don't own lakefront property (example: Conservation Staff). |
Steps for becoming an Ambassador
Ambassador Training Checklist
This checklist provides a step-by-step path for completing the Ambassador Training so you can get started on YOUR path for promoting the Shoreland Stewards Program and educating your lake community about how to protect their lake and improve their property management.
Note: If you want to be an Ambassador but don't have lakefront property you will still need to take the survey to understand how it works and the different components of the website. When you take the survey register for an account and use "Test" as your lake name. |